Travels with the Pookie Moose

See where the Pookie Moose and his friends go on their many adventures!


Moose at the State Fair-News at 11!

I went to the Evergreen State Fair today!

I've been talking about wanting to go for days now and a few of my friends asked me at the last minute if I wanted to go with them! I was so jazzed!!

I couldn't wait to visit all the animals.

(Check out my sweatband-I knew it was going to be hot out so I thought I would try it out. What do you think? Too 70's??) Posted by Picasa

I was not at the fair more than five minutes before I found Jesus. He was hanging out at the fair this whole time! Who knew? Posted by Picasa

First stop on the animal tour was the domestic cat section. The cats seemed pretty bored with all the fair stuff. This one was just down right pissy. That's ok. I didn't expect much from a Persian anyway.

Little known fact:
Persians and Alaskans hate each other. No one knows why. Posted by Picasa

This girl wanted to make out with me so bad! I told that I was sorry but I didn't see a realtionship between us working out.

Ah-Love at the fair... Posted by Picasa

Onion ring break!

It was nice to sit in the shade for a few minutes before moving on to the other barns. Posted by Picasa

Cows stink so I stayed as far away as I could without appearing too rude. Posted by Picasa

Go figure-Trouble in the chicken barn!

These guys totally wanted to fight me. I think they were trying to impress the chicks in the pen next door.

I told them no way...We moose are lovers not fighters.

Little known fact:
Moose are actually better fighters than lovers. Posted by Picasa

Cotton Candy break!

Little known fact:
Moose prefer pink cotton candy over the blue kind. Posted by Picasa

Rabbits are always so shy. I didn't get two words out of this little vixen. Posted by Picasa

The last place we went was the horse barn.

(This guy was a hoot. He told me a few really dirty horse jokes but I'll keep my blog PG.)

Little known fact:
Horses are close cousins to the moose. In fact, at family reunions you'll see just as many colts as you'll see calves trotting about under hoof. Posted by Picasa

This kind of freaked me out though....
All my fellow stuffed animals hanging up by their toes or ears or dangeling by an arm...Ekkkkk!!

After I talked to a few of them though I found out they were cool with it for the most part. Most of them were just praying that they would get adopted. It's tough being a "carnie". Posted by Picasa

I love hanging out with my friends.

The Midway was kind of cool too. (Aside from the fact that they hang stuffed animals up by their toes there.)

Lots of laughter and music. I think it was my favorite part of the fair. Posted by Picasa

That's weird...I thought that there was only one of him? Huh?

(These guys were kind of rude. I guess they figured that super heros don't have to be nice on their day off. Maybe they should be hung upside down for a while?) Posted by Picasa

I yearned for even bigger and better fair adventures but I was not that brave! I think I'll save the rollercoasters for another time.

Besides I think you have to be at least this tall to ride and I fall a bit short of the line.

I decided to stick to shopping towards the end of the day. Posted by Picasa

This was fab-u-lous!

I wanted to keep shopping...

But it was time to go. Posted by Picasa

As we left the park I thought back on all I had seen and all the friends I had met. What a great adventure! Posted by Picasa

It was the best fair I have ever been too!

(Oh wait-It's the only fair I've been to but it was great!! Plus I got in for free!) Posted by Picasa


Moose poo makes the news!

For anyone who might like to know all about moose poo....Here's the story for you!


Four Whole Days of Adventure!

Here we go...Off to Conclave 2006!

This is the trip that I have been talking about for months (driving my friends up the wall) and I am so excited!

I'm going to be camping for four whole days!!

This will be one of the longest adventures I have ever been on.

We're almost there!


We are going to have so much fun I just know it!

Little known fact:
Moose are overly fond of exclamation marks and use them more often than they should in their writing. Posted by Picasa

Setting up camp took forever! I just wanted to get out there and frolick but there was a lot to do before fun could be had...

I helped set up the tent and then I sat around the campfire in my chair watching everyone else bustle about.

When's dinner? Posted by Picasa

Our first group campfire was f-u-n!

We went around the circle and introduced ourselves. For some reason some of the people laughed at the thought of a moose camping.

Huh? They must not get up to the Arctic much.

I'll show them just what a moose can do...Yawn...Tomorrow! Posted by Picasa

Say goodnight moose.

Goodnight moose. Posted by Picasa

Day One

When I first woke up I was a little confused about where I was. After I shook the morning fog off my brain I went out and had a cup of coffee.

Nothing gets a moose going in the morning like a good ol' cup o' joe!

This was going to be a great day I could just feel it in my bones. (Well-In my stuffing...I don't have bones!)

Once the morning dishes were washed it was time for the big hike. Posted by Picasa

Here I am at the begining of the hike. Don't I look excited. I almost piddled in my backpack! Posted by Picasa

Taking a moment to get a little climb in.

Little known fact:
Moose are very good climbers. We were the first ones to scale Mt. McKinley although Rev. Hudson Stuck stole our glory with his claims. Posted by Picasa

I hitched a ride most of the way because my legs are so short and I would have slowed down the others.

I still got a great view of the trail. Posted by Picasa